study plan

Main focus
Sustainability within the built environment is core to the UFP school of Architecture and Urbanism Master Degree Program and this is reflected strongly across its teaching and research methodologies. During the learning process the students will have the chance to cross the boundaries of architecture and Urbanism through a series of joint design projects with related disciplines like civil engineering and environmental engineering. At the end of the study program the graduate will be able to integrate the key theoretical subjects of the course within a conscious team practical competence on project design. This sequence will culminate in the end-of-degree project and a final dissertation.

Core Themes
The UFP Architecture and Urbanism Master Degree Program is composed by ten full time semesters, including a 200 hours emplacement, an end-of-degree project and the a final dissertation. Successful completion of the course curriculum is mandatory which implies de acquisition of the correspondent competences.

The study program includes a wide range of subjects giving special attention to seven main issues:
— Design Project;
— Freehand Drawing;
— History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism;
— Building Construction;
— Urban Rehabilitation;
— Sustainable Design Methods for Architecture and Urbanism.

Please check: Communication from the Commission — Notification of evidence of formal qualifications — Directive 2005/36/EC on recognition of professional qualifications (Annex V)

Study plan

1st Semester
Communication Methods and Techniques
Drawing I
Geometry and Topology
Art History
Project I

2nd Semester
Computer Aided Design
Drawing II
History of Architecture
Project II

3rd Semester
Construction Materials in Architecture I
Anthropology of Space
Computer Graphics
History of Contemporary Architecture
Project III

4th Semester
Construction Materials in Architecture II
Project IV
Topography and Photogrammetry
Project Specialties
Option *

5th Semester
Foreign Language
Territorial Planning
Project V
Theory of Architecture
Structural Methods

6th Semester
Portuguese and European Union Political Organization
History of Portuguese Architecture
Urban and Equipment Spatial Planning
Project VI
Option *

7th Semester
Social and Demographic Analysis
Landscape Architecture
Development and Project Management
Geographic Information Systems and Planning
Urban Project of Intervention I

8th Semester
Structure of the Territory of Diffuse Urbanization
Ethics and Professional Deontology
Urban Project of Intervention II
Seminar I
Option *

9th Semester
Rehabilitation of Buildings
Internship and Final Project I
Masters Dissertation Methodology
Special Equipment and Facilities Project
Seminar I
Ambient Quality of Buildings

10th Semester
Internship and Final Project II
Master’s dissertation/Project/Internship Report

(1) – Intergrated Master. The successful completion of all course units and the approval at 300 ECTS credits confers a Master’s degree. The bachelor degree in Topography and Construction Design is awarded after six semestres and approval at 180 ECTS credits.
* – To be defined in each year by the Faculty.

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Detailed information about procedures, conditions and fees:
See Admissions